Dr. Manel Coll Anglada

Dr. Manel Coll Anglada

Dr. Manel Coll is a renowned surgeon nationally and internationally, a specialist in Maxillofacial Surgery and a Facial Plastic Surgery expert.

Dr. Coll has trained at the most prestigious hospitals of Madrid and Barcelona. He obtained a practitioner’s licence in Medicine and Surgery from Vall de Hebrón University Hospital in Barcelona and specialised in Maxillofacial Surgery at Gregorio Marañon University Hospital in Madrid. He later expanded and refined his technique, knowledge and skills in Facial Plastic Surgery at clinics of recognised prestige such as Clínica Teknon in Barcelona.

Pedralbes Facial Clinic


As a Facial Plastic Surgery specialist, Dr. Manel Coll Anglada offers complete surgery services on the chin, ears, eyelids, jaw and cheekbones, as well as other services without surgery.

Centre Maxilofacial


Currently, Dr. Manel Coll Anglada is exclusively dedicated to oral surgery, dental implants and zygomatic implants at the Centre Maxilofacial de Menorca.

For the last fifteen years he has been

Improving the life of patients

Member of the Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery (SECPF), European Association for Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMS), Spanish Society of Maxillofacial Surgery (SECOM) and Catalan-Balearic Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Societat Catalano-Balear de Cirurgia Oral i Maxil·lofacial

The pursuit of excellence

His philosophy is based on professionalism and the pursuit of excellence. When you first visit Dr. Manel Coll’s office, he will evaluate your face, recommending in each case the most suitable procedures for a correct treatment and optimal results

He splits his time dedicated to medical activities between Barcelona (Pedralbes Facial Clinic) and Menorca (Centre Maxilofacial), his place of birth.

Pedralbes Facial Clinic


Paseo Manuel Girona 14 Bajos 2
08034 Barcelona, Spain

Telephone: 937 634 995 / 622 665 559

Website: pedralbesclinic.com

Quick contact

Dr. Coll Anglada
Facial Surgery is equal parts art and science. Knowledge and expertise are very important, as well as acquired skills
Dr. Manel Coll Anglada